In need of financial advice? Do not be afraid to go and see your banker. Interview with Mr. Yves Dubois, Director of UBS UN HQ Branch and Mr. Christian Stettler, UBS Manager for the international organizations

In one way or another, financial questions occupy an important place in our daily lives. Geneva is one of the world’s financial centres; just the place to find answers to our questions. We went knocking on the door of the bank that most internationals know in Geneva—UBS. Who better to talk about the subject than Mr....

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COULD YOU BE SUFFERING FROM TMD/TMJ? Headaches? Limited Jaw Opening? Facial Pain? Neck or Shoulder Pain ? What you should know about Temporomandibular Disorders.

’’TMJ’’, although it has become almost a household word, is a non-specific, catch-all term for a variety of pain/dysfunction conditions of the head and neck. It was originally derived from ’’Temporomandi-bular Joint’’, your jaw joints - once thought to be the source of most of these ailments. Today we know that there are many causes...

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